Summer Seattle PRIDE – We Choose Love!
Summer 2024 is racing away; the air is feeling like fall and it is a good time to reflect. One [...]
Summer 2024 is racing away; the air is feeling like fall and it is a good time to reflect. One [...]
Janet and I recently attended another Via de Cristo weekend. Via de Cristo (VdC) is an ecumenical renewal movement active [...]
Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay Our beloved Pastor Pam’s excellent sermon today asked the question, “Why do we [...]
It’s Easter, and I’ve been thinking about life, death, and resurrection. All-in-all, a pretty normal thing to be contemplating during [...]
Janet and I just returned from a month during which I served as visiting priest at St. Jude’s Episcopal Church [...]
Last weekend, Martin Luther King, Jr weekend of 2023, I participated in a couple of events. The events, my reading, [...]
Photo by Gareth Harper on Unsplash At the beginning of Advent, I attended an excellent quiet day Advent [...]
Philip Yancey writes, “Imperfection,” (and our recognition of such in ourselves), “is the prerequisite for grace. Light only gets in [...]
This blogpost is about God’s faithfulness and love and how important those have been to me this particular week. We [...]
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay I recently reread the Old Testament prophet Habakkuk and was moved by [...]