Janet and I recently attended another Via de Cristo weekend. Via de Cristo (VdC) is an ecumenical renewal movement active in many churches. VdC is derived from the Cursillo movement that originated in the Roman Catholic Church. It is known by many different names in different denominations, such as Upper Room, Walk to Emmaus, Tres Dias, and Cursillo. You can learn more about Via de Cristo in Western Washington by clicking HERE.
We first attended in 1977 and have been working on the weekends for the past 46 years. We have both worked as lay persons and I have been working as part of the clergy team since 2010. God has used the VdC/Cursillo movement to work powerfully in each of our lives. We have sponsored people to attend weekends in every almost church we have attended and we have seen it inspire and enable leadership in these churches.
When we work these weekends, God continues to bless us. I often come away with something inspiring and this last weekend was no different. There was a line in a song that kept resonating with me. I kept thinking that is my motto, my goal, my desire. Here is the line.
“I will build my life upon your love.
It is a sure foundation.
I will put my trust in you alone.
And I will not be shaken.”
It is from the song, Build My Life by Pat Barrett. Click HERE to listen to the full song.
The words of this song remind me of one of my key Bible verses, what I call my “life verses.”
Luke 6:47–48 (NIV84): I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
Throughout the storms of life and the seasons of calm, I have found there to be no better foundation, no stronger support, than Jesus and His love.
So what does it mean to build my life upon His love? Well, it means that I will do my best to love first in all situations, all relationships, with all people. Rather than skepticism, or a preconception that they are wrong about something and I am right, or seeing first what I perceive to be someone else’s shortcomings, I will start with love. How can I see this person as Jesus sees them? How can I love them as Jesus loves them?
Building my life upon His love means that I will know that I am loved, in spite of my shortcomings, weaknesses, faults, mistakes, and sin. I am loved…anyway. I am loved, no strings attached. I am loved, unconditionally. And that amazing love, that amazing grace, actually heals me and helps me to overcome my weaknesses and sin. I will build my life upon that love.
As the name of this blog states, I will trust in Jesus’ love and grace. And to the best of my ability I will live Trusting Grace. And I pray the same for you.
May the GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ,
The LOVE of God,
And the COMMUNION of the Holy Spirit,
Be with you all.
God bless,
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