Summer 2024 is racing away; the air is feeling like fall and it is a good time to reflect. One of the highlights of my summer was marching in the Seattle PRIDE parade with three other folks from Northlake Lutheran Church, the congregation where I am working, and about 200 others from our Lutheran synod. This was a first for me and it was an experience of joy, love, laughter, and community. Where else can you get a large group of Christians to walk down the street together espousing Jesus’ love and actually have bystanders applaud and cheer? That was amazing! The day was full of smiles and laughter, joy, light-heartedness, and celebration.

We choose love! I think it is safe to say that Lutherans do not read all biblical texts as equal. We put the greatest weight on what Jesus said. And we interpret all other texts through the lens of Jesus. Jesus said the greatest commandments have to do with love. Loving God and loving our neighbor. That’s the center of our theology. We choose love!

God bless,