Welcome to TrustingGrace.com
My name is Coe Hutchison. This is my blog exploring the journey of walking with Jesus while trusting in God’s unconditional and steadfast grace. There are many ups and downs and twists and turns in this journey of Christian faith. This blog intends to explore the breadth of those experiences—the hard ones that may shake us to our core and cause us to question and doubt, as well as those that make our hearts soar to heavenly heights with God’s love. I welcome your company on this journey and would love to hear about your own journey.
I am a retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Pastor. I spent 30 years in the business world before responding to God’s call to ordained ministry and it has been a joy to spend the last 10 years pastoring a small church in a wonderful community.
I hope that in sharing my own journey of trusting God’s grace, God will touch your heart and enliven your spirit. I pray that through this sharing we may all find strength, encouragement, and joy.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.