Today, we headed out to do some hikes that have been fogged in for the last few days. They were still fogged in today, but we went anyway. The first was to some dramatic rock formations called the Old Man of Storr. From the top of the climb, we should have been able to see all around Skye and even to some surrounding islands. This was about as far as we could see.

It was misty. Even the sheep looked pretty wet.

The rock formations were still impressive. This is the Old Man of Storr and you can see its size compared to the tiny person standing in the foreground.

Here is another of Storr.

In this one, you can see in the lower right corner a small orange person with their arms raised. That’s Janet. These are BIG rock formations.

More rock formations and a rock wall that goes straight up.

The rock in the background of this picture is called “Needle Rock.”

Not only was it misty, but it was crowded. Gosh, what would it have been like if the weather was good?

This is what a postcard showed that we should have seen. Oh well, we tried.

Tomorrow, we leave Skye and catch a ferry, and then a train to Glasgow, where we stay overnight before flying out on Sunday. I leave you with some closing pictures of Portree and beautiful Skye coastline.

Thanks for traveling with us. We are coming to the end of this adventure. I will post some final reflections in the next day or so.

God bless,