Today we traveled from Fort William to the Isle of Skye, where we will be spending the next four days. Nessie, Scotty, and Piranha had lots of fun. First, we rode a bus to Mallaig, a town on the Scottish west coast. There we boarded a ferry. It was the first ferry ride for Nessie, Scotty, and Piranha. The second picture is looking back at Mallaig from the ferry.
The first thing Nessie, Scotty, and Piranha wanted to do was see a castle. So we did. Here they are admiring the view.
Yes, people still wear kilts in Scotland. For some, it may be a type of uniform for the tourist business. But here is a kilted dad walking home from work with his very young daughter. So sweet.
We are staying in the town of Portree, which is kind of similar to Port Townsend. These are some of the pretty buildings along the waterfront. Tomorrow we head off for some hiking on Skye and more exploring. More fun on the way.
God bless,
Lift a pint 🍺 for me!