Sunday, May 19, 2024
West Highland Way-Stage #8-Kingshouse to Kinlochleven
Today’s Miles: 9
Total Miles: 86
Remaining Miles: 16 approximately

We had a delightful rest day yesterday in Kingshouse. We had a wonderfully comfy, big room so we stayed in our room except for meals and read books and took naps and walked no more steps than necessary. It felt so good.

Of course, I couldn’t resist taking a few more pictures of my favorite mountain, Buachaille (boo-kall-eh) Etive Mor. Our little friends Nessi, Scotty, and Piranha got into the act as well. They loved watching the deer walk around the hotel.

This morning we arose to thick fog. It burned off relatively quickly, but there was still enough around for some interesting pictures. This is looking back at Kingshouse as we head out for today’s walk.

And the fog made the mountain all the more picturesque.

As we walked we saw a beautiful little highland cottage at the foot of the mountain.

And a look at a different side of Buachaille with the cottage in the foreground. There is a trail that leads up that center cut to the top of the ridge and then left to the tip of Buachaille. We don’t see how people could make it because it seems so steep, but I guess they do. Not for me!

After nearly three miles of fairly flat walking, we started to ascend what is called the Devil’s Staircase. This was part of the old military road constructed around 1750 linking Fort William with Stirling. It is a steep climb, but at least there are some switchbacks, pretty rare for the British trails we have been on. This is looking back down at the Devil’s Staircase.

Having completed the Devil’s staircase, we are now at the highest point of the West Highland Way, 1,850 feet. Yeah, I know, that’s nothing for hiking in Washington State, but there it is. We did see one hiker wearing a shirt that said, “Sea Level is For Sissies.” Here is a last look at Buachaille from this high point and some selfies, looking both ahead down the trail and back from whence we have come.

As we headed downhill we crossed a stream with conveniently placed big stones for maintaining a dry crossing.

Here are Nessie, Scotty, and Piranha enjoying the view at “the top of the rock.” They are great hikers!

As we enter a new valley there is more beautiful scenery and more trees.

All along the West Highland Way there have been campgrounds renting camping “pods” like these. And you thought they were Hobbit homes. They usually have a couple built in cots with camp-style mattresses. But the nicest ones have a microwave, mini-frig,  and even a toilet, sink, and shower. They would be much better than sleeping on the ground, especially if the weather is bad.

And that completes our day. We are in a beautiful BnB in the formerly industrial, now tourist,  town of Kinlochleven. Our room is newly remodeled and so comfy and it has the best shower we’ve had yet. Feels so good.

God bless, and a blessed Pentecost to you all.