Advent Lutheran Stained Glass Logo used by permission.
I just returned from my latest ADVENTure! I had the privilege of spending 5 weeks at Advent Lutheran Church in Maple Grove, Minnesota, filling in as pastor while my good friend Pastor Elizabeth was on sabbatical. It was a wonderful experience. It reminded me of all the precious and holy parts of being a pastor: worship, preaching, pastoral care, and building relationships. For me, it was a time of feeling really close to God and depending upon Jesus every day.
Advent is a big church by Washington standards, with about 150 people in worship on summer Sunday mornings. There are more in the winter, but this is “lake cabin season” in Minnesota. There are nine wonderful paid staff, including two pastors. Advent has a super music program, and a beautiful sanctuary. It was delightful to serve this gracious and loving congregation. While we were there we had a couple short congregational hikes and a fantastic neighborhood picnic where they invited the whole neighborhood. At the picnic there was a bouncy house, live band, dancing, face painting, drawings, and great food. I even got my face painted (first time ever). That is probably as close as I will ever get to a tattoo.
Also, while at the picnic, I had the opportunity to experience my first ever midwest “severe thunderstorm” that blew our tents and awnings (seen in the background) rolling across the grass. It was crazy!
We even did a blessing of the animals in the summer, because the weather prohibits doing a blessing (at least an outdoor one) in the normal October time frame.
By the end of five short weeks, I had built close relationships. While I was ready to come home, it was also hard for me to leave. At the end of my last Sunday, I went into the sanctuary to pray and just reflect upon and soak up the experience. I spent a bit of time in prayer and then got up and headed up the aisle and out. I only got halfway out when I decided, “Nope, I’m not ready to leave yet,” and sat down and talked to God a little more.
God did some work in me during those five weeks. I was reminded of what a privilege it is to be a pastor to a loving congregation and to love them right back. I was also reminded of why I retired. Being a pastor is hard work! And I was only doing the really fun parts.
I give great thanks to God for a wonderful experience and great thanks to Advent Lutheran, for their warm welcome and hospitality. And thank you to Pastor Elizabeth for allowing me to sub for her. It was a wonderful ADVENTure. Thanks be to God.
Awesome experience.
You are both blessed and blessing. As it should be 🙏🏾
Advent loved having you serve. What a blessing you were to this ministry. Thank you, for letting God use you in ministry. You are a great pastor and a wonderful friend.