Last Sunday was the Advent Sunday of Peace. Ahhh, peace! The peace of God surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7). Peace is born at Christmas. The angels sang to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace…” (Luke 2:14).

The experience of God’s peace has been my most common prayer for more than forty years. It is, I suppose, what I desire from God more than anything else. And God has answered my prayer in many ways.

What does God’s peace mean to me? It does not mean that everything goes my way. It does not mean that everything turns out the way I dreamed it would. I can know God’s peace, yet still be grumpy and say things I wish I could take back. I can be at peace and still get sick, hurt, injured, mistreated, or even killed.

What God’s peace means to me is that somehow I will be okay no matter what is happening to me, in me, around me—no matter the chaos. I know deep inside, with heartfelt trust, that God protects and safely holds the core of who I am. I am never alone (though I may feel alone), I am never abandoned. That is the peace of Jesus Christ for me.

This peace is born at Christmas. It is the peace of which the angels sing and it surpasses human understanding. It is the peace I pray for each one of you this Christmas.

Merry Christmas!
God bless you,